
2022 Week 222 min read

giscus 💎

Updated the vendored math-renderer-element as it seems GitHub has made some updates to it.

This fixed the incorrect spacing issue in the rendered result.

Some dependencies have also been updated.


Presented my progress in an internal meeting on Thursday. That spurred a discussion about what it means for a snippet to be in a "Draft" state.

Unfortunate event

We had a break-in on early Tuesday night. The gate lock was broken and my dad's motorbike was gone. They also managed to break my bike's ignition lock and got it to turn on, but they couldn't take it away as I put another lock on the disc brake.

We didn't hear a thing.

I had to call in a mechanic to replace my bike's ignition.

Screw those bastards.

Other stuff

We had a national holiday on Thursday, so my friends and I played badminton in the morning. I didn't take the day off, though, so I still "went" to work afterwards.

The mid-season finale of Better Call Saul dropped this week. It was shocking.

My family and I watched The Innocents on Friday night. I think it's fresh and original. Would recommend.

On Saturday, we played Borderlands 2 and finished some story missions.

I didn't play Fallout this week and instead used my time to make some prep on a talk proposal for DjangoCon Europe.